"I would put sauce on it, then dog it."

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

someone looks at this blog...

I was surprised to hear some peoples are actually keeping up with this blog dog. Well that is what it is here for. I am starting to plan a california tour for the end of April. It should be fun. If I can get enough money, I can bring out the VCR as well, which would make him really excited to fast forward and rewind and perform all the other normal functions.

I don't know why some of the pictures below are not really fitting into the boxes. Maybe I will tinker with it, probably not. My basketball team has a game tonight and I am hoping that Big White will be at his best. That's me. Last week's one point loss was a big let down for me. I had an awful game, even hitting the air conditioner that is 5 feet right and above the backboard.

The above pic was done in Picnik, which I have been digging, at least for doing photos and text to be posted on the web.

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